Your website is a big deal. Whether you’re a small start up or a multinational corporation, if you don’t have a decent website, you’re in big trouble. In the world of B2B marketing you’re always looking for leads and your website should be you’re most effective lead generating tool, plain and simple. But how? How do make sure you’re not just attracting the right people but also capturing them to move them through the funnel?

Well, when marketing your business there are several different ways to improve your conversion rates. When a visitor accesses your website, it’s important to make sure that every page of the site pushes users towards either purchasing an item, signing up for a service, requesting a quote or signing up for a mailing list. Let’s get down to the dirty details with these simple elements to include on your website in order to generate more leads and create a positive experience for your users.


Blog Blog Blog

I cannot stress enough how important having a blog is! A blog is a great way to provide valuable, educational and informational content that website visitors want to read and consume. It also serves as a way to position yourself as an expert and attract more visitors to your website. People will view you or your business as an industry leader who really knows the ins and outs of your subject and trends that are relevant in today’s market.

On the lead generation side, a blog gives visitors an opportunity to subscribe to having your posts delivered straight to their inbox. This is a great form of lead capture and an excellent way to build your mailing list and prospect database.



Put A Form On It

You want to make sure your putting a lead capturing form on the places that you are experiencing the most success. Some of your pages might make excellent lead generators and you don't even realise it. Common places your business might get visitors include: email marketing, social media and blog posts.

Once you identify where your leads are coming from, you'll want to make sure the pages they're landing on are doing everything they can to nurture a visitor's interest. It’s vital that your forms capture a leads name, company, and email address. You also want to try to have as much information around the type of business they are or the role they play in their organisation. At most, there are around four or five fields that you’ll want to include in these lead capture forms so you can build your prospect database and transform your website to become a lead generation tool that helps bring new business in the door.


If they liked it then you should of put a form on it! 


Time for Action

Your homepage sits at the top of the marketing funnel, and should therefore offer either a free trial or subscription to a recurring campaign, such as a newsletter. You could consider including one of the following CTAs on the front of your website:

Subscribe for Updates

In general, consumers want their browsing experience to be as non-invasive as their buying experience. Often a user is not ready to buy on their first visit to your website. To teach them about you with no effort or commitment on their part, invite them to subscribe to an email that notifies them of your industries trends and product updates. Personally follow up with the ones who opt to stay on this mailing list to gauge their interest and eventually turn them into marketing qualified leads (MQLs).

Get A Free Trial

Free trials and demos are a growing company's bread and butter. They allow you to generate demand in your business and create a contact list of leads who are currently piloting your product. Consider having your product available to trial for free, for a limited time, using a CTA and form on your homepage where you can collect their names and email addresses. At the end of each active product demo, make sure to follow up with the user to see what they thought.


Continue Testing

We can't stress this part of the process enough. A/B testing can do wonders for your click through rates. Something as simple as testing out the wording of your CTA, the layout of your landing page, or the images you're using can have a huge impact.

You should also test how each of your existing lead generators is contributing to your business. You can compare landing pages that are doing well with landing pages that aren't doing as well.

Finally, you could try running internal reports. Evaluate landing page visits, CTA clicks, and thank-you page shares to determine which offers are performing the best, and then create more like them.


Be Nurturing

Unfortunately, not all leads were created equal. Leads are only as good as your nurturing efforts.

You should always place leads into a workflow once they fill out a form on your landing page so they don't forget about you, which should give them valuable content that matches their specific interests. Lead nurturing should start with relevant follow up emails that include quality content. As you nurture them, learn as much as you can about them to then tailor all future emails accordingly.



Get The Word Out

There’s no better proof that you’re as good as you say you are than having client testimonials or case studies on your website. What other people say about your business is more powerful than anything that you will communicate to your prospects. Get as many positive reviews and testimonials that will convince people to convert on your website. This can take the form of text quotes or even video testimonials.

Remember, people buy from people, so you want all your leads to like and trust you if you want them to ultimately become buyers. 

Generating leads is vital to closing sales and growing your business. So using the tips above, you can take advantage of every opportunity without letting unsatisfied website visitors slip away. Once you have developed your website to be a conversion machine, you will be able to acquire an endless flow of qualified leads that will allow your web business to thrive.