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24 Oct 16 | 8 minute read

Why the 'Best Time to Post on Facebook' Question is Irrelevant

During one of my recent courses for the SpotDev Academy a familiar question popped up, and one I’ve heard many times from clients over the years. It’s a question that’s frustrated me for a while now due to the frequency it’s asked and the unnecessary emphasis that’s placed on it by some marketers. Enter:

‘When is the best time to post on Facebook?’

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9 Aug 16 | 3 minute read

Facebook News Feed Update is Bad News for Clickbaiters

Another update to Facebook's News Feed algorithm was announced last week, although you’ll be relieved to know that, for once, this one is unlikely to really impact your organic reach. That is, of course, unless you’re one of those who favours the use of clickbait headlines in what you post, in which case, now is the time to stop. In fact, two years ago was probably the time to stop, but Facebook have given you one last chance to clean up your act. 

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11 Jul 16 | 3 minute read

What Facebook’s Latest News Feed Update Means for Marketers

Last week (29th June 2016 to be exact), Facebook announced a significant new update to their News Feed algorithm that is likely to have a fairly hefty impact on a marketer’s ability to organically reach their audience. 

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19 Jun 16 | 2 minute read

Instagram Announce a New Range of Tools for Businesses

As was expected when Facebook announced their acquisition of Instagram back in April 2012, the image sharing platform has slowly but surely been introducing more and more tools to help marketers take advantage of everything it has to offer.

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4 Apr 16 | 5 minute read

Instagram Is Changing Forever! And You Shouldn't Care.

In case you haven’t heard, Instagram is starting to roll out an update to its timeline that will move away from reverse chronology towards a reordered feed based on the things you appear to like. With incredible predictability, this sent bloggers and brands into a frequently witnessed state of panic. Smartphones were thrown, tears were shed, thousands of posts telling you to turn on notifications were sent. However, as is the hallmark of the internet, much of this was hyperbole and overreaction, so what is really going on?

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17 Feb 16 | 6 minute read

Why Twitter's New Timeline Update Is Nothing To Be Worried About

In case you somehow haven’t heard the news, Twitter is likely to be introducing an algorithmically filtered timeline. In fact, scratch that, as I write this very article the update has been released. In typical internet fashion, this story was met with widespread outrage and condemnation. However, given that this is the natural state of the internet and any change good or bad is met with the same reaction, to what extent should we be worried, both as general users and as marketers? And how will this impact our strategies?

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30 Dec 15 | 8 minute read

Why digital marketing is like managing a football team

One of the biggest points of contention that we come across regularly and one that anyone in the industry will be more than familiar with, is ‘The Big Social Media ROI Conundrum’ - how do you achieve ROI through your social media efforts and how do you prove social media ROI? Of course, all of this is fundamentally possible - there are more than enough cases that prove ROI is achievable.

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22 Jun 15 | 16 minute read

The Ultimate Social Media Glossary

Don't know your geolocation from your geotagging? Or your Follows from your Followers? Well have I got the blog for you. Here's all your key terms for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, Youtube and more.

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8 Jun 15 | 3 minute read

Facebook Ads: Which Metrics To Focus On

When reporting on your Facebook ads there are a lot of metrics you could focus on. However, the vast majority of these aren’t actually that important, making it very easy to fall into the trap of concentrating on things that don’t really matter. With that in mind, here are some of the metrics you should focus on as well as some that you most definitely should not.

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